Factors to Take Into Account When Creating a Website - Digital Skills

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Friday, July 22, 2022

Factors to Take Into Account When Creating a Website

The most crucial component of every website is SEO. In this article, I'll go into more detail about the value of SEO in website construction and the SEO aspects you should take into account while creating or building a website.

1. FAST LOADING TIMES - Google acknowledges this as the most crucial element. Instead than penalising slow websites, it celebrates those that load quickly. Make sure your client side is quickly rendered and your code is manageable.

2. Maintain a mix of images, text, and animations in your SEO-friendly content. Rich content is adored by Google. The days of search engines favouring text are long gone. Google will now give you precedence if your article contains an embedded video. These days, rich material ranks more quickly.

3. SEO FRIENDLY URLS - Query parameters are helpful for development but detrimental to SEO; make sure you have the choice to create a URL that is full of keywords because this is a ranking factor in Google search result pages.

4. TITLE TAGS, META TAGS, AND META DESCRIPTION - If you can use a plugin, great; if not, be aware of these fields if you're developing a custom stack. On each page, include spaces for filling up these fields.

5. Use of H1, H2 tags: These tags aid search engines in determining the subject of the underlying content. Google still assesses relevancy using H1 tags. To further characterise your material, use these tags. Be careful; your page should only have one h1 tag.

6. SITEMAP XML - To have your website pages index more quickly, send an XML sitemap to Google Webmasters. Make a plan to automatically or manually generate these sitemaps so that search engine bots can index them quickly.

7. ROBOTS.txt - A significant declaration can be found in this file. When a search engine bot comes looking, it informs the bots about the pages you want indexed. Search engines are responsible for granting requests made in ROBOTS.txt.

8. REMOVE DUMP TEXT/PAGES - Don't forget to remove any pages you utilised to create the website. Images and lorem ipsum excerpts may be included in this. Filling your website with useless text won't do you any good.

9. Image ALT Tags - A search engine bot can only read the alt text of your image; it cannot read the actual image. Make sure to include alt-tags in your website's code because this is one of the most crucial elements for SEO.

10. BLOG - Google favours newly updated websites. Ranks for new content are higher than for old stuff. Maintaining a blog not only allows you to grow a following, but it also greatly aids with website SEO. Create a blog section on your website.


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